Our Team


We are pleased to present our GRÜNSPECHT team, which works to tackle any problems or requests our customers have on a daily basis. Get to know us better and discover more about the people behind the scene.

Company founder and pioneer

Prof Dr Armin Herker is the founder and manager of the company. His philosophy is “Make something new”. This means always improving existing products and continuing to optimise new products and concepts until everything is perfect. For him, the greatest praise is to hear a customer say, “You’ve really given this some thought!” He only considers products that have a comprehensible use, that are safe and as environmentally-friendly as possible, and that offer a fair price-performance ratio. He also very much believes in the concepts of “trust and reliability” when it comes to suppliers, employees and customers.

Product-, Quality- & Communication Management

Product management is the heart of the company because this is where ideas are put into practice. Just like the saying, “Never say never!”, we take an idea and follow it through to the final product. All necessary certifications and tests are applied and implemented. Packaging design, production planning and materials purchasing also take place here. Every product manager is responsible for the market introduction and advertising of his/her products. The task area is completed by the Quality System.

Sales Management

Our Sales team try to pre-empt our customers’ every wish and listen to concerns both large and small on a daily basis. Together with our independent sales representatives, they compile an individual selection from the comprehensive product palette for each customer.


Even the best products can’t solve our customers’ problems if they are not available in the correct quantities, at the right time and in the right place. For this reason, we have many “busy bees” working to replenish stocks on a daily basis. It is particularly important in colder months that we have sufficient stocks of our heat products. This begins with production during the summer months. We care a lot about manufacturing in our factories for people with disabilities and this forms a significant part of our production.

Workshops for handicapped people

Short transportation routes and regional production are very important to us. For this reason, we work in close cooperation with local workshops for people with disabilities. A large proportion of our warming products are produced or filled there – e.g. our 22 x 24 cm cherry stone pillow, which is manufactured entirely in these workshops, from raw materials to the finished product. The production of the various warming products is an important assignment for our partners.

The work is complex and varied, and offers the employees the opportunity to achieve something, and to create something unique. From sewing, to filling with natural material, to stitching up and ultimately packaging the finished items, the production line offers a range of tasks for employees, and allows disabled workers to have rewarding jobs.