The first few months with your little darling will fly by. Every day, your little darling learns something new and develops further. It won't be long before the teeth start coming! Many new parents, especially with their first child, are unsure how they can support their baby during this time and help them if they are in pain or can't sleep.
Don’t worry, you are not alone with your worries. In this article we will give you valuable tips and advice on how you can best help your angel during this exciting and often painful time. Because what could be more beautiful than seeing the happy face of your child when it finally has its first teeth?
When does teething start?
Even before birth, the milk teeth are hidden in the jaw and are packed together waiting to break through. But there is no general answer as to when this will happen. After all, every baby has its own pace when it comes to teething. As a rule, the first teeth between the 4th and 7th month of life However, there are also babies who get their first milk teeth at 3 months or at one year. As you can see, teething does not follow any set rules. However, once the first tooth has come through, another one usually comes along with each new month.
Always remember: every baby is different! So don't be disconcerted if things are a little different for your little one.
In what order do baby teeth come in?
The milk teeth usually erupt in a specific order, starting with the both central incisors in the lower jaw . Then come the two upper teeth and then the incisors to the left and right. Next come the first molars and the sharp canines. The The back molars complete the set .
By their third birthday, most children have a full set of 20 baby teeth, but again, this timeline is not set in stone!

Baby teething: signs you should look out for
To tell if your baby is teething, keep an eye out for the following symptoms:
- If your little darling drools more and constantly opens his mouth, this could be an indication that he will soon be teething.
- Teething can cause your baby restless, irritable and whiny He also has problems falling asleep or sleeping through the night.
- Your child’s cheeks may be hot and red, Gums are swollen and sensitive . White spots often appear on the gums, indicating that a tooth is about to come in.
- Another sign of a baby tooth erupting: Your darling keeps putting his hand and everything he can grab, in the mouth .
- Your baby may have less appetite than usual.
- Many children search for even more physical contact .
- It is not uncommon for a tooth eruption to be accompanied by fever or diarrhea. This is usually caused by an infection caused by the baby's weakened immune system.
If you have any questions, problems or persistent high fever, you should definitely seek advice from your pediatrician.
The 8 best teething aids for your little darling
There are many ways you can provide relief for your baby when it is teething. We have compiled the 8 best teething aids for you.
1. Chamomile and sage tea
Unsweetened chamomile or sage tea can soothe your baby's swollen gums. You can apply the tea to the painful area using a cotton swab or - depending on the baby's age - give it to drink. Alternatively, you can tie a small cotton cloth together, dip it in the cold tea and give it to your baby to chew on. But be careful: the cloth must be changed several times a day!
2. Gum massage
Babies now like to put everything they can get their hands on in their mouths and chew on it to get relief. That is why most children find a gum massage extremely pleasant. Clean fingers or special Fingerlings made of fabric or nubbed Finger toothbrushes made of natural rubber. This way, your little one can get used to the upcoming dental care.
3. Teething rings
Teething rings , Toy animals or Biting animals are available in natural rubber or silicone in a wide variety of shapes and colors. Chewing acts like a soothing massage and soothes sore gums. Pay attention to the quality when buying! Teething rings should not contain any chemical plasticizers and should comply with toy standards (CE marking).
Some teething rings have an additional liquid inside and can be cooled in the refrigerator - and only there. This way you can ensure that the gums go down and provide relief for your teething baby. With teething rings that contain liquid, there is always the risk that the liquid will leak out if the baby accidentally bites through it.
4. Metal spoon
A cold teaspoon can also help with teething. To do this, put it in the fridge for a few minutes – it shouldn't be too cold – and then rub the back of the spoon over your baby's gums.
5. Cold washcloths
Some babies prefer to chew on something soft rather than something hard when teething. For example, you can use washcloths that you dip in cold water and wring out well. For hygiene reasons, they should be changed several times a day.
6. Lots of cuddling and distraction
In most cases, your little ones need more cuddle time while teething. Comfort them, stroke them, give them lots of physical contact and distract them with games and walks - ideally in a sling. This way, the little angel might forget the unpleasant pressure and rumbling in the jaw for a while.
7. Local anesthetic gel
If nothing helps, you can ask your pediatrician or pharmacist for advice on special anesthetic gels. These are massaged into the gums with your fingers and can temporarily relieve the pain when the tooth is trying to break through. However, this type of gel has no effect on pain in the jawbone.
8. Pain suppositories
In consultation with your midwife or pediatrician, you can also give a suppository from time to time. Always read the package insert.
Tip : If the corners of your mouth and cheeks are sore from drooling, special creams can help.
Very important : When you give your baby a teething aid such as a teething ring, spoon or washcloth, you should always keep an eye on him or her to make sure nothing happens.
General tips for teething
- Address the issue early on and get some tools in advance to be prepared.
- Ask your midwife or parent friends for tips or get information from books, apps or on the Internet .
- Offer your baby various aids and observe his reaction to find out which one works best.
- Pay attention to hygiene when using teething aids.
- When your baby is teething, he or she produces more saliva and drools a lot. Muslin nappies and scarves keep your clothes dry at all times.
- Take turns at night when comforting and calming always off !
Which teething aids should you avoid trying?
The internet is full of products that are supposed to help when your baby is teething. But what is behind them? And which teething aids should you avoid?
Often Carrots, apples and hard bread recommended to relieve the pain of teething babies. But they pose a great risk! Your treasure can easily choke on the pieces.
Caring for baby’s milk teeth properly – that’s what matters
As soon as babies’ first teeth appear, they must brush regularly to avoid caries! In the beginning it is enough to brush them morning and evening with a special Finger toothbrush to clean. This way, your child can become familiar with brushing their teeth in a playful way. At the same time, you massage their gums.
Alternatively, you can of course use a toothbrush with soft bristles. From the first milk tooth onwards, you should use a fluoride-free toothpaste. From the 6th month of life, a toothpaste with a low fluoride content is suitable – it hardens tooth enamel and prevents tooth decay.

As soon as babies’ first teeth appear, they must brush regularly to avoid caries! In the beginning it is enough to brush them morning and evening with a special Finger toothbrush to clean. This way, you can introduce your child to brushing their teeth in a playful way. At the same time, you massage the gums.
Alternatively, you can of course use a toothbrush with soft bristles. From the first milk tooth onwards, you should use a fluoride-free toothpaste. From the 6th month of life, a toothpaste with a low fluoride content is suitable – it hardens tooth enamel and prevents tooth decay.
Questions and answers when your baby is teething
We really hope that one or two of these resources will help you and your little one during this stressful time. If you have any other tips, please write them in the comments - other parents will certainly be grateful. Hang in there and always remember: It's all just a phase!